Writer Beware – Dark Tales Short Story Contest

I would make a terrible criminal investigator. I would be the investigator in the movie who says ‘Yep, this dude’s head is smushed and there’s a tall building next to him, total jumper! Let’s put this down as a suicide and call it a day, who’s ready for beer and fried pickles?’ while completely overlooking the bloody pry bar nearby, and the note that says ‘I killed this dude for his wallet, love Michael J Johnson.’ Once I set my mind on something, details are pretty much lost on me. This is especially unfortunate when it comes to the Dark Tales Literary contest.

If I had dug a little deeper when I first stumbled upon the site, I would have seen that it hasn’t updated it’s list of winners in months. In fact, neither their facebook nor their Twitter accounts have been updated in over six months. While the deadline tracker still reads current, it’s obviously programed to update automatically. I’m declaring this contest dead. I’m out a little bit of money and a lot of hope, but I can’t play victim here. As with everything else, it’s important to do your research before you submit your work. I’m learning the hard way, by dealing with my own mistakes. I suggest that all of you learn the easy way, by learning from MY mistakes and thanking yourself for having enough sense to not do what I did. You rock.

R.I.P Dark Tales Contest. I hope your death was painful.